King of hell words

Well, it happened very quickly, I don’t know where to start ... I am not very good at English, as I come from another country, so the mistakes are okay for me.

Perhaps I’ll start from the moment when everything just started. This happened at the Palo Verde nuclear power plant in Arizona, the largest in the United States. I was one of the bosses, and I was on vacation, so I didn`t have direct access to the station, but I had a working laptop, which I mistakenly took with me, confusing it with my home laptop. On this laptop everything that happens at the station was displayed, it is given out to all the bosses to monitor their team. And when I say everything, I mean ALL, messages on walkie-talkies, video cameras, sensor values, etc.

I had the first day of vacation, and I didn`t have anything in my plans, since the tourist program started just on the third day of vacation, I got bored as soon as I went to the hotel. I remembered that I took a laptop with me, and I decided to get it to watch a video on Youtube. I already knew that I mixed up the laptops, but was not upset, since it could work like a regular laptop, you just had to minimize the program to view the station. Sitting on the bed, I started to look, and for the rest of the day I just watched the video and did not think about anything.

On the second day, I decided to go somewhere and repeat what I did yesterday. I picked out Starbucks, ordered coffee and started watching my favorite YouTube channel. After a while, a pop-up window pops up saying “Compartment 3, Room 5, Gas leak BAJ46”. I choked with coffee and stared at the computer so that people around began to look at me in perplexity. BAJ46 is the code word for the most poisonous gas at our station, and it began to flow into the atmosphere! I instantly switched to the station viewer program and froze, the whole room with tanks with this gas was 95% damaged, I didn’t understand how the computer detected only that the gas started to leak. I realized that this could cause a ton of problems and notified everyone I could at the station by telephone that there was a gas leak in the third compartment, and that without costumes it is not allowed to enter, and one of the rooms was completely destroyed. I still didn’t know what caused such destruction, maybe pressure drops, maybe a program error. I did not expect that the wind would blow towards the city, so I almost calmed down, our station had even more dangerous accidents, I was even surprised that I was scared, but there was still some concern.

After 10 days of wonderful vacation, I realized that I had done everything I wanted, I started to get home. Out of boredom, when I was traveling by bus to the airport, I decided to read the news, and found that in my city, visits to hospitals had increased by 400% over the past 7 days! I thought that in our city an epidemic of something began, and decided to buy a gauze mask, just in case. When I finally flew to Arizona, I immediately went home and lay down on the bed, simultaneously turning on the TV. I switched to the news channel, and it was filled with the fact that there is a new epidemic in the city, no one knows how to treat it and that there are already 100,000 suspected infections. I never really believed in the news, so I ignored it, thinking that they were trying to attract viewers as usually.

I will tell you briefly what happened there, as I still do not know all the details. Doctors investigated this infection, and found that its effect is similar to that of BAJ46 gas, only it has been improved so that it can infect people, the same symptoms, the same affected areas. They decided to try a new medicine based on recently discovered viruses that are harmless and “eat” all other viruses. They tested it on who we suspect of infection, and it worked perfectly, all symptoms disappeared, all tests began to give out the norm. They began to use it massively for everyone who needed it, and everyone "recovered".

When I arrived, I heard that even the vaccine had already been invented for this virus, but I decided that I did not need it, I had good immunity, and I was too lazy to go somewhere. A week later, rumors began to spread that zombies had begun to appear in the city. To be honest, I was stunned by the news, and especially by the way they manage to lie so that I still believed that the zombie apocalypse has begun, what did they even count on? But soon I saw a zombie, straight real, I will not describe all the disgusting details, otherwise you can even vomit.

Since the last 3 days before this meeting I spent a home-work-home schedule, I did not notice anything on the street, maybe there were more of them. As soon as I saw the zombies, a bunch of thoughts flashed through my head, but the main thing was to run into my bunker (I got it together with the house, so I equipped it just in case, it cost me a little, and it was somehow calmer with it ), there I had food for a month, water for the same amount and items for survival, such as a machete, a lighter, a map of the city, etc., so I could stretch it out for a month or two if I would save food.

I was very scared and did not understand what was happening, only then I found out that the accident turned out to have no consequences, that gas due to the wind flew to the city and split into 2 parts, one flew into the forest, the other directly into the city.

The part that flew to the city picked up something and became a viral cloud, and not just a gas, most likely some virus mutated inside this cloud, and became more dangerous. When he arrived in the city, he began to infect everyone, and all those with weak immunity began to go to the hospital because of malaise. People with strong immunity in the future became resistance to this virus and zombies.

Little is still known about the part that flew towards the forest, it seems to me that Devil himself had a hand in it, since after that everything was going on in this forest, hell, but we used to call it magic. Various creatures, artifacts, magic items, etc. began to appear in this forest.

Let’s get back to me. I didn’t understand anything, sat in a bunker clutching a machete, all cringed with fear, because I didn’t understand anything. Having decided to watch the news, I was ready to believe anything, even that the zombie apocalypse had begun. All the news said that the virus in the new medicine, when eating another virus, copied it and mutated a lot, after which it quickly spread and began to manifest itself, it clouded the mind of its carrier, and caused an incredibly great desire to walk and kill. Not even to eat, although sometimes they ate their victims, in most cases they simply started looking for the next one. And as a side effect, some parts of the body began to rot, which increased the spread of the virus, as spores of the virus were released through these rotting pieces of the body. Special forces, police, military, they all became infected with this virus, and those with strong immunity were killed by their own allies, and this infection began to go far beyond Arizona, now there is no infection in Greenland only, in the rest of the world there are only resistance units, and I have no idea how she got to Europe and Australia.

I could not believe it, I tried to deny it, but then I reconciled with the fact that my city was captured by zombies. I turned on the radio and began to catch a signal. After a while I heard the voice “Help, we are trapped on Greenhills street, 49a. We do not have weapons and food, we cannot resist them." It was not far from my house, and I did not know what to do, run away or stay here? I decided to take a chance, and ran out into the street, grabbing a machete and a gun, which was stored in a chest of drawers, and began to break through to that house. I spent bullets sparingly since I only had 50 rounds. As soon as I got to the house, I saw a crowd of zombies trying to climb into a high-rise building. Adrenaline hit me in the head, and I began to chop and shoot left and right, I did not know fear at that moment, I just did what I thought I should do. After some time, all the zombies were on the ground (surprisingly, not one of them even hit me).

I went to the door and asked to open it. The people inside, as soon as they heard human speech, immediately let me in, and I was able to reassure them. I thought that this high-rise building is not a good place to protect against zombies, and since there were no more zombies outside, we all went to look for a more reliable shelter, and chose an old and large laboratory. Of course, we had some adventures, but I don’t remember everything well, it was a long time ago. I moved everything that I had to this laboratory, and I realized that there would be enough supplies for a maximum of 5 days, since there were a lot of us. We decided to raid shops and get food from there. After the first raid, the amount of our food was four times more, and it was a salvation! We did not need water, since the water continued to flow in taps, apparently the laboratory has a generator and water supplies, or the electricity and water supply did not break, and everything is supplied from the reserve. Anyway we began to prepare for the fact that water can be turned off.

I was good in biology and chemistry, so I wanted to research this virus, especially since we were in the laboratory, it was easy to do, you only need a zombie skin sample. I went outside with a machete, chopped off a piece of skin from the corpse of a zombie and I began to examine it. I found out only that it is difficult to investigate and that it can soon mutate and begin to infect everyone, even with strong immunity. I need to quickly come up with, if not a cure, then at least to find a way to not get infected.

Soon, we heard on the radio a request to release a group of scientists from a trap in a laboratory on the other side of the city. We decided that we should go and save them, and that half of us would follow them, and the other half would stay and protect the building. We did not expect this to be so difficult.

In the beginning, we were met by about 20 zombies as soon as we left our zone, but this was not such a big problem, since we had recently robbed an arms store. Then, after that, we saw HIS, the giant zombie that rushed towards us! At the same time, we shot at him with 10 guns, and he didn’t even sway and continued to go at us! We immediately turned around and started running away from him, simultaneously shooting over his shoulder at him, and after about 10 minutes of running and shooting we finally defeated him, he fell to the ground, shook, lit up and disappeared, leaving behind a green sphere that glowed bright light. We were surprised a lot then, but decided to leave it for later, hiding the sphere in a backpack. After we came to the laboratory without any problems and pulled people out of there, they said they would help us in the study of this virus, which was undoubtedly good, since we wanted to know what we were dealing with. Then we delivered them to our laboratory, also without major incidents. As soon as we arrived, scientists immediately asked for access to everything that could help in the research, and of course we allowed.

After about 3 days, we have already been vaccinated against this virus, which worked and did not turn people into zombies. It did not cure this virus, but prevented infection with it. We quickly vaccinated all of our people and continued our usual way of life, sometimes going out for food or sleeping, but we were afraid to leave far from the base, because we were afraid to meet another such “boss”. And so, after about 3 months of such a lifestyle, we decided to go to the forest, since all the meat in the shops had already gone bad, but we wanted meat. As soon as we entered the depths of the forest, what we call “magic” began to happen everywhere, a red circle appeared in the middle of us, the trees stirred, small ugly creatures that were definitely hostile jumped from everywhere. We were so scared that some fainted. We shot these creatures and instantly dumped from there, capturing one of their corpses. Scientists and we did not understand anything, and gave up after a month of trying to investigate this, it did not give in to anything correct and went beyond the bounds of reason, it also did not react to anything.

Soon we decided to make another sortie, but decided not to go that far. When we finally came to the forest, we saw 3 high stones on which something was written, but the language was unknown, then I doubted that the existing language was used there. In the middle of the stones there was a round stone slab with 7 recesses, 6 round ones, and one, the largest one, diamond-shaped, and around it there were 6 circular recesses. We decided to make photos of the stones, and took the stone slab with us. We decided not to break it, you never know, a daemon might jump out of it. When we arrived, I thought of the sphere that had fallen out of the “boss”, took it out of the shelf and tried to insert it into the round recess on the stone slab, purely out of curiosity, and it stood up perfectly and lit up even brighter! I was so surprised that I almost dropped the plate with the sphere, but I had a good reaction, so I managed to catch it in flight, but it managed to turn over in the fall and the sphere ... REMAINED IN PLACE! As if it were glued with invisible glue. I did not expect this, but this area did not want to leave its place. I showed it to everyone, and they were surprised too, although they thought that after the attack of those creatures nothing would surprise us.

Let me tell you what we know about it now, a few years later. We know that those spheres that need to be inserted into the slab drop out from zombie bosses, they are much stronger than usual, and to call them you need to be able to do it, and it is almost impossible to learn, but from the one who recovered from this virus, that is whoever was a zombie has this skill by default. To get at least one such person, we spent a ton of time! But more on that later. We don’t know who summoned the boss that we defeated, but he doesn’t appear if you don’t kill enough zombies, apparently the boss is a kind of help. We also know that if you collect all 6 spheres and 1 diamond-shaped crystal, then everything seems to become better than it is now. It turns out that on those stones everything is written in Latin, and one of the survivors translated to us what is written there. Now I will tell you what is written there.

“In order to cleanse this world of evil, a cured person must defeat the root of all evil and put together all the pieces of the puzzle together, restoring the unity of what is now impossible to combine.”

We tried to find this place again later, but could not. For a long time we tried to decipher the meaning of this message, and we came to the conclusion that we need to cure someone of the virus, send him to kill the bosses, and then something will happen, we do not know what even now, but apparently it will not get worse. We realized that we need to start trying to cure zombies right now. We immediately found the zombies, tied them up and put it on the operating table (we did this many times since the zombies began to develop immunity to sleeping pills, which we gave them so that they did not twitch). The next 1.5 years, we tried to cure them, but all in vain, the zombies learned to build machines for themselves and subdue magic! We were desperate, but suddenly one of the scientists suggested a way to cure him. Since almost all zombies skin is a gangrene, you can replace it with normal skin, if part of the brain is damaged, replace it, then “vaccinate” against this virus, and everything can work! We could not offer anything better, so we decided to try. We tied up several zombies, found the healthiest zombie and put it on the table. Having started the operation, we cut out healthy areas of skin and organs from some zombies, transplanted them to that zombie, and only one thing left, transplanted to it some parts of the brain and most importantly, the frontal lobe, this is the part of the brain that was damaged in every zombie, because if the frontal lobe was not captured by the virus, the virus would not be able to control a person, since it is the frontal lobe that is responsible for conscious movements, although other parts of the brain in the zombie are damaged, only the hippocampus and hypothalamus, which are responsible for human memory, are left untouched. It was necessary to find a donor, if not just the whole brain, then at least part, we could regenerate the rest, the benefit of technology allowed. The most unnecessary part of the brain is the one that is responsible for emotions, so you had to find someone who can sacrifice emotions for the possible salvation of everything. But no one wanted to sacrifice emotions for the ghostly hope of salvation.

I think, you noticed a green cross on my head with a red dot in the middle. So, this cross closes the scar from that operation, because I decided to make it. Scientists put us both on the table, and I don’t remember anymore, since I was under anesthesia. After some time, I woke up on a bed with severe pain in my head and with a strange feeling in it. They gave me painkillers and after a while I felt better. I remembered why my head ached, and asked if everything went well, and they answered yes to me! But I didn't care. I had no emotions. And still no. But everyone else was delighted, and I know why, 2 years passed before we could cure the zombies! I went to see him and he looked like a man! I was told that if he wakes up, it means that everything is not in vain! I understood that this was a very joyful moment, and I was happy at my level, without emotionality. After a while, he woke up, and spoke in a normal, human voice! He said that he wanted food, and that he did not know how to walk. I brought him food, but he couldn’t even raise his hand, he could only pull her. And I realized that we cut out his frontal lobe with all the reflexes, movements that were remembered throughout his life, so that by movements he was at the level of a baby.

And I think you're ready to tell me who the real zombie is. This is you, you are that cured zombie. Yes, yes, you were a zombie, that's why we chose you to collect all the crystals and save humanity, you know how to summon bosses. How? You will feel it as soon as you kill enough zombies.

We realized that you would need to be taught to even walk, not like handling weapons, but since we could talk to you, which is surprising, because we cut the entire frontal lobe to you meant that you couldn’t speak, but this is good, because the learning process went 10 times faster than with an ordinary child, and after a year you could walk, run and hold weapons in your hands. Then we also realized that with a simple gun the “root of evil” could not be defeated, and we began to invent various upgrades, and we succeeded! Only for them to work, you need “coins”, they drop out from certain zombies, but don’t worry, you’ll be in locations where all the zombies are of that kind. The coin is just a flat circle of yellow metal that drops from all the special zombies that we melt in order to upgrade you, if we used steel, iron or anything else, the effect would be almost nonexistent. Since we also began to successfully research magic, we will immediately teleport these coins to our laboratory, and say how many more coins you need for a particular upgrade, and you will choose which upgrade you should do by yourself, you know best. We will immediately teleport upgrades to you, you will not even notice. You also know how to stop time, but you can’t move yourself while time is stopped, it can be useful to take a break, but if there is a boss nearby, you cannot do this, bosses have a strange aura because of which you cannot do it. When you get to the place, we will put on special glasses that prevent you from going crazy, they make zombie corpses invisible, those yellow “coins” will look like real coins, and just a little bit more. Also thanks to these points you can collect information about zombies, you can watch the best tactics against zombies and information about improvements. If you want to improve something at home, you just need to stop time and give an order to glasses, they will show you everything that you can “buy” for these coins as if you are in a shop. And I can share my experience, if you can’t explain something, then this is magic.

A few days after you woke up, we heard on the radio "We are trying to kill zombies in Germany, so far successfully, but we have no idea how to stop them all and we hope that we are not alone on this planet." I immediately got to the receiver and said that you they not alone and we know how to stop all this, and we have everything for this! They answered immediately with joyful voices: "Finally! We have been trying to contact someone for 3 years! Where are you? How to stop all this?" I told them all we know about the stone slab, about the bosses, and that we are in Arison. They said that they could not help us, but they will restrain the onslaught of zombies in Germany, and if something happens, they will notify us. After a while, the exact same message arrived from Sweden. Then from Italy, Russia and other countries! I was surprised that they use our frequency, but I realized that there are resistance groups around the world, and that apparently I am now the leader of this all! I made a mass message with the appeal: “Dear inhabitants of the planet earth who survived, if you are alone now, then look for a resistance detachment in or near your city, if you have already found a detachment, then defend yourself from zombies, we know how to expel all zombies, the main thing is hold on to this moment!”. I immediately began to hear different voices at different frequencies, which exclaimed joyfully. But I understood one thing: they said that I was their savior, that they would obey me, and that they want to know what happened here and how to expel them all. I had to make a second message to tell the whole story, and I also added that the hero is not me, but them, because they will go directly to the hornet's nest of all this evil.

And now they all have great hope in you, only you can fix everything here. So don’t let us down, go and save this world!

Autor: Alexandr Shukshin